I just got back from my diner by myself. I headed out around 7pm and I was starving, having had nothing to eat since my lunch at 1pm. Close to Chuan Gang Hotel (川港宾馆, where I'm staying),there are several other hotels in the area right by the Chengdu airport. There are also several szechuan restaurants in the area.
On the street, around the hotels are hustlers, people who try to get you to go spend money at certain businesses around the area such as restaurants, massage parlors, hotels, bars, and taxi services. It really is annoying as hell. They follow you around and keep on pestering you. I just ignore them.

Restaurant right beside the hotel where I'm staying.
50 feet from my hotel is a restaurant called "Man Fu Xiang" restaurant. In these area, I'm really not looking for anything spectactular, because you're not likely to find it. I was just looking for a quick fix to fill my stomach.
I ordered 3 simple items: stir fry peashoots, tigerskin green peppers, and a stir fried kidney dish with red chilies. The food was average at best, not crappy, but not that great either.

Simple diner - 2 veggies and a meat dish.