The Yangxindian is located south of the six western palaces of the inner court, and was constructed in 1537. It consists of a front chamber and a rear chamber. The emperor conducted state affairs in the front chamber. The emperor's throne and chair are placed in the center of the hall. Eight emperors of the Qing Dynasty lived here. The east room has two thrones, where empress Ci Xi and Ci An supervised the court during the late Qing Dynasty. The rear chamber is where the emperor slept.

Sleeping chamber of Yangxindian
Forbidden City Chuxiugong
The Chuxiugong was originally known as Shouchanggong (Palace of Longevity). This hall was resided by imperial concubines during the Ming Dynasty, and was rebuilt several times as it became the living quarters of both empresses and concubines.

Northern Gate of Forbidden Palace
THe north gate of the forbidden city is called the Shenwumen (The Gate of Divine Might). It was first built in 1420, and was originally named the Xuanwumen (Black Tortoise Gate). During emperor Kangxi's reign, it was renamed to Shenwumen.
The gate has 3 openings and an imposing tower. Inside the tower are bells and drums which sounded each morning and evening to mark the time. During the Ming Dynasty, this duty was done by eunuchs, and during the Qing Dynasty, it was the duty of the Department of Imperial Insignias.

Beijing Imperial Palace - 1
Beijing Imperial Palace - 2
Beijing Imperial Palace - 3
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